Tuesday, January 28, 2020

CNN Hates Your Guts

Reader(s) of this blog have probably already scene CNN mocking Trump supporters. Breitbart's John Nolte (PBUH) has the rundown. Go ahead a click on through.

We gotta be honest with you folks, we thought it was kinda funny. We did, and that's ok.

But it doesn't matter. We know plenty of funny racist jokes. That doesn't make it right. It's certainly not right to take to the airwaves and mock southerners as hillbillies and rednecks, excuse the expression, folks. These are slurs, that's it.

Visiting relatives in Western Kentucky as an adult Yankee we were shocked by how aware and self conscious our cousins were of their reputation back east.

This is what CNN, the elites, the bicoastal set, Hollywood, think of the rest of us. They hate you and me. Hate them right back.

It isn't funny anymore.

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