Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Enter Hillary? Enter Sandman!

The Bongino Report warns:
The former secretary of state was asked during an interview with Variety if she ever thought “I could beat Donald Trump if I were running. Yeah. I certainly feel the urge because I feel the 2016 election was a really odd time and an odd outcome,” she told the magazine in an interview published online Monday. “And the more we learn, the more that seems to be the case. But I’m going to support the people who are running now and do everything I can to help elect the Democratic nominee.”
We speculated about this way back in the 2016. We also insisted the bitch would be dead by now so...hey .500 is not bad.

Anyway, the Democrat primary is a complete mess and the political reporter's masturbatory fantasy of a brokered convention should be taken seriously. This blog has run the numbers and believes there is 42.5 percent chance of that happening. Biden, Bernie, Warren, none of these yutzes has enough support to get the nomination. The Dem convention is sure to be a combination of the 1968 Chicago riots and the Mos Eisley Cantina. Bernie Bros beating up Biden supporters and otherwise trashing the joint would certainly have entertainment value. We'd watch.

Which means Hillary! may very well look like a savior to the establishment types. What a nightmare. Hillary! 2020.

In more successful Chicago conventions...

During the 1952 GOP convention, Senator Everett Dirksen*, the Cocaine Mitch of his day, rallied the delegates against Thomas Dewey who despite being defeated in '44 and '48 sought the nomination once more. In a stem winder of a speech, Dirksen pointed to Dewey and said, "We followed you before and you took us down the path to defeat!" Who can say the same to Hillary?

*Later broke the Dem's Civil Rights Act fillibuster.

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