Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Trump's Plan is not Peace...

It's victory.

There's plenty of nitty-gritty detail in the peace plan put together by Jared Kushner. The Palestinians get some economic incentives, some economic zones carved out of the Negev, a tunnel connecting the West Bank with Gaza, Gulf State development money, a token presence in Jerusalem.

The Israelis get their wall, a united Jerusalem, the Jordan Valley, their settlement blocks. These are the victory borders. 

Most importantly, the Gulf States back the plan. They need the Israelis in the conflict with Iran. Brilliant diplomats in Tehran, no?

Kushner's plan is a huge win for Israel.

This plan is a far cry from the Clinton effort of 20 years ago in which Bill and Hillary tried to twist Ehud Barak's arm into giving up half of Jerusalem and accepting the 1967 Auschwitz borders. That was the best deal the Palestinians would get. Yasser Arafat rejected it of course.

The Palestinians are already rioting, in their own neighborhoods. God these people are stupid. Mahmoud Abbas, the incompetent PA president and career kleptocrat has already rejected the plan in the harshest possible terms, referencing dogs and treason. Treasonous dogs?

Abbas should die in a fire.

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