Tuesday, January 21, 2020

VA 2A Yay! Yay!

Thank god.

Yesterday's 2nd Amendment rally went off perfectly, no violence, no trolls, no problem. This was a beautiful display, citizens coming together and exercising their 1st Amendment rights in defense of the 2nd.

This blog doesn't want to overstate the case. We weren't there, after all. But what a powerful message to Governor Blackie Northklanhood, the media, and the left. This was another moment, maybe even a turning point. This was a message from the 2A crowd. We are armed and organized and you try to take away our guns at your own risk. In the age of Antifa and Democrats openly claiming they're coming to take away one's guns...

We were moved by a uniformed Virginia sheriff explaining that he swore an oath to uphold and defend the Virginia and United States Constitution and his department will disobey any unlawful order from Richmond.

The media came off looking like complete idiots. All day, rally attendees called them out for the mendacious morons they are. Twitter was especially brutal. 

The rally looked like great fun. Heh, one black man walked around the capital claiming he was Governor Ralph Northam. That's 9.0/10 on the Hebrew Humor Scale, people. And we said Afro-Judeo unity was dead. Even some Black Panthers showed up. Hey, the Bill of Rights is for everybody.

America won. Americans won. The Bill of Rights won.

Meanwhile Governor Ralph Northam still wears blackface: 

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