Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Justin to Alberta: I hate you and I want you to die

In Ottawa the government of Fidel Castro's son has strangled Alberta's oil and natural gas industry, not only becuase he hates energy, but becuase he hates Alberta. Don't kid yourselves, people, lefties hate you too.

In an emergency parliamentary session last night, Alberta MP Shannon Stubbs laid down the gauntlet:
Goddam. That's as close as you'll ever see Canadian Parliament come to its British father. Two hundred thousand jobs and the Grits just don't give a crap.

MP Stubbs is not bluffing. Behold the Buffalo Declaration:
Watch the whole thing to learn about the deep structural problems within the Canadian confederation.

We've spoken with our Albertan correspondent who insists this is for real and says he's already gotten some calls and emails about it.

Hey, Justin! How about a trade? We'll give you Vermont and a state to be named later for Alberta.