Saturday, March 14, 2020

Saturday Updates

Fifty cases here in New Jersey, one in Bridgewater.

Announced cases here in Chindia, 0.0.


So far the counties east and northeast of us are seeing the majority of cases. In a way they're shielding Somerset County at least that's what it looks like on the map.

Schools are shutdown and they've set up E-classrooms. Oldest daughter's lessons are supposed to take about four hours. We've planned some other activities for the girls, art, music. We'll see. Oldest daughter is acting like, well, a 13 year old. If this were the 70's...

We won't be going to the gym for a while. Looks like exercise bike, pushups, weights, and walking for a while.

In fact we're hunkering down for the weekend. We'll see what things look like on Monday.

Of the two scenarios we've seen, Armageddon or this thing blowing over in a month, we think the latter is more likely. We're not prediction that, we just think it's more likely than a live action version of The Stand.

The week's bestseller: World War 1990: Castro's Folly.

We just about finished the coup intro scenes for The Final Storm.

Reading Battle of the Three Seas is slow. We're in no rush. Our line proofer is getting the book proof next week. Def 1 April if we want too.

The nuke story is coming along. We need to finish up the presidential speeches.

We're going to read Grote Tank Slog this weekend. It's possible we might have Three Seas out and a few months later, bam! Nederlandse.

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