Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Tuesday is Super

And our moronic primary system slogs on.

Biden has the big mo, the experts say. Steyer, Klobuchar and Pete have all dropped out of the race and endorsed him. Where those votes go, well, we have no idea. 

Our guess is Biden wins the southern states and Bernie wins the rest. But who knows? Or cares?

There are two interesting senate primary races. In Massachusetts, Joe Kennedy III is trying to knock off Senator Ed Markey. Here's what we wrote on the matter last summer. Can't they both lose? UPDATE: Oops not Super Tuesday!

In the great state of Alabama* the GOP senate nomination comes down to former Senator Jeff Sessions and former Auburn head coach Tommy Tuberville. Even though decent folk should never trust anyone from the dirty, low-down SEC, this blog endorses Tuberville. He's not Jeff Sessions and that is enough.

*Said in faux Keith Jackson accent.

1 comment:

  1. I just don't see Alabama fans voting for Auburn's head coach there some things more important than politics
