Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Wither Joe Biden

Hot Air states the obvious, Joe Biden is fading. Ace, and there is no excuse for not reading the AoS blog, likes to say Joe is sun setting. Whatever is happening to Joe, Joe ain't all there.

So who does the DNC replace Joe with? Right now they're thinking of inserting Warren in there. Hillary! is thrusting her hand in the air, Tracey Flick style.  None of these ain't gonna happen. No, sir. 

Whatever the actual vote totals, Bernie Sanders is actually a pretty close second in the delegate count Joe has one thousand something to Bernie's seven hundred something. The Bernie Bros will insist Bernie get the nod.

So there it is. Dems can not nominate Bernie and get shellacked because the Bernie Bros stay home, or nominate Bernie and get shellacked anyway.

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