Friday, April 17, 2020

And it's Coffee for the Win

There are 222 cases of the Wuhan Coronavirus from Wuhan in Bridgewater and 26 deaths. Somerset County has published some interesting data on the infections. It's mostly old people. The price of gas has finally plummeted here but the store shelves are a bit thin. Our local Shoprite is only getting deliveries every other day or so. Meat is in short supply. We already have a strategic toilet paper reserve that borders on hoarding. Actually toilet paper is getting easier to find.

Again, for the record, we think Governor Murphy did ok, more or less, on Tucker Carlson the other night. No, we're not happy with his answer on the Bill of Rights.

Murph has extended the school lockdown till May 15th, which leaves a glimmer of hope, actually since he hasn't shut it down altogether.

[Oh, he's Murph now is he?-Ed}

Yesterday Dr. Oz said we could open the schools again and only lose two three percent. We don't think that came out the way he meant it. At this point millions of parents are thinking those would be acceptable losses....

Since their father is a coffee addict, the Stroocklettes have expressed interest in same, especially Middle Daughter, whose a bit on the short side. Mrs. Stroock, who lives more or less like a Mormon, expressed concerns about coffee stunting Middle Daughter's growth. So we googled it. According to the NYTs, Harvard and the Mayo Clinic (ham on 5*), this is a myth.

[You're trusting the NYTs and the Ivy League now? Do you hear yourself, luv?-Ed]

Like all good husbands we don't get a lot of wins here, so we're celebrating like it's VE Day.

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