Saturday, April 4, 2020

Saturday Updates

Blogging has been a little light because we're swamped. In a good way.

Three weeks of home schooling in the books and we pronounce ourselves pleased with the results. The Stroocklettes are completing their schoolwork by noon or so and getting a little bit of extra-enrichment besides. This includes calligraphy for Oldest Daughter. Youngest daughter built a cardboard house for her pet river otter, Flip. And of course we have documentaries a couple times a week. We're into One Strange Rock, but also Easter Island for some reason. Youngest daughter wants to build her own Moai.

Spring break is this week and the district is proceeding apace. Personally we'd prefer to keep going in order to finish a week early this year but also to give the girls something to do. Of course we have Charlton Heston Day next week so the girls can help their mother prepare. Sadly there will be no extended family at the Seder.

We have the final Three Seas proof and are glad we are reading it once again. Knocked off 50 pages yesterday. This is also the first time we've ever read Three Seas and liked it. Progress? We have thrown in the towel on formatting and hired someone to do it. World War 1990: Battle of the Three Seas will be out on May Day. No. Matter. What.

We finished the naval chapter in Nederlandse and it looks good. It occurred to us that we didn't write a Nederlandse epilogue and will have to do that, which is no biggie. We remain confident we can get the MS to Debbie in May.

The Great Nuclear War of 1975 is 20,000 words. We think we'll stop writing this week and read through what we have. Some short story.

We've been working on Soviet intro scenes for The Final Storm. Y'all got any characters you want to see?

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