Thursday, April 2, 2020

Seas of Three Format Thee

So USS Miami makes a cameo in World War 1990: Battle of the Three Seas. We realized that Tom Clancy gives us a tour of the Miami in his Submarine. We thought, we'll need to change that to Austin or something. Then we thought...

[Oh fuck no...-Ed]

Then we thought, three scenes a beginning, middle and end, on the Battle of the Bastion chapter.

Could research this weekend, write it next week. It's small enough we could edit it ourselves.

[At some point you just have to be finished and screw the rest -Ed]

We threw in the towel via-a-vis formatting and have contacted a company. This looks doable.

We're plugging away at the Nuke 1975 investigatory chapter and will have it completed this week. A meeting + three scenes. We don't have a third scene. We need something about someone checking things out.

We also did a scene in World War 1990: The Final Storm. Working on the Ruskis this week and all is well.

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