Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Stroock to Dems: You're no Jack Kennedy

This blog admits that for the last month or so we've resented the fact that a politician as mediocre, out of touch and past his prime as Joe Biden has won the Democrat nomination.

Come on, man.

But Biden's rise is no reflection upon ourselves, this blog, Republicans, Trumpians, Americans and other decent assorted folk. No, Biden's inexplicable nomination, as the only option to a 77 year old socialist Jew from Brooklyn, is a reflection upon the Democrat Party. 

It is strange indeed that the most honest Democrat in politics today is the senator from Vermont, but there he is. Sanders tells voters exactly what he wants. He comes from a socialist tradition from the progressive era o the early 20th century. It's American, if left. Sanders may be a fool, but he's no America hater. You know the song, reader, 'This land is your land, this land is my land...'

What is it these modern Democrats want? They want your money and they want your guns and Dems want to replace you with cheap labor from Mexico. They want Drag Queens in the schools and Alphabet People in the bathroom with your daughters. They want you to stay indoors for the rest of the year. Dems love the quarantine but readers of this blog already knew that. They hope you never come out.

The Democrats, the party of Jefferson Davis, the party of George Wallace, the party of Sex Addict Bill and Sick Hillary, the party that tried to lose the Civil War, the Cold War and the campaign in Iraq, the party of the slave auctioneer and union kingpin, the party of Chicago alderman and Tammany Hall, the party of the draft dodger and the hippie, the party of the mafia boss and community organizer, the party of the corrupt sheriff and the Copperhead, the party of the race baiter and the poverty pimp, the party of Dixie, the party of the internet fiend and prostitution pervert, the party of Chappaquiddick, the party of the Saigon Embassy Evacuation and Desert One, well that party is of and ought rightly have drawn the likes of Joe Biden.

That party is morally bankrupt and has been since the days of Johnson.  Even now the Establishment ignores Tara Reade, who has credibly accused the former vice president of sexual assault. Believe all women, they say, unless her name is Kopechne or Lewinsky, Jones or Broderick; that is, unless that woman accused a Democrat.

The Dems think you, reader, should be quarantined while Mexicans are brought up illegally from Mexico. Just this week San Fran Nan said she would not have allowed the repatriation of 40,000 Americans from China, even while she slammed Trump's restricting flights from China as racist. 

Make no mistake, reader, Nancy Pelosi and the likes of Schiff for brains, troll-King Nadler and Michigan's deranged Nazi governor, they hate you. If you go to church, if you have a family, if take care of your yard and like to watch NASCAR with a six pack of domestic beer, Nancy and Chuck and MSNBC want you dead.

This country only works when it has two sane political parties. Some of our greatest presidents with the loftiest, noblest ideas for Middle America were Democrats. Reagan and FDR have more in common than not. Reagan said he voted for FDR for times without regret. Newt said Roosevelt was the greatest president of the 20th century. I was there.

Readers know what Biden is, and that ain't no FDR.

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