Sunday, April 19, 2020

Thirty Years, Literally

Some time ago some grognard took to this blog's updates page and criticized our not writing a third Israel Strikes novel to wrap up the saga.

[It's a saga now, is it?-Ed]

We are People of the Book, after all...Anyway we told this tosser to sod off and noted that we've been waiting 30 years for Jerry Pournelle to finish Janisarries and then he died.

Well, well, well...lookie here...Pournelle's estate finally finished up the concluding novel. People, we give you Mamelukes.

Briefly, in 1979 aliens kidnap a bunch of CIA Mercs in Angola and drop them on a Medieval planet so they can grow drugs for them. It's basically Game of Thrones meets a bunch of guys running around Game of Thrones with rifles and machineguns.

We'll have to root around our book boxes and find the original novels. This gives us the excuse we need to purge our old sci fi and fantasy collection. 

No, we're not writing a third Israel Strikes novel.


  1. Not sure how you would in it but I would be willing to buy it if you wrote it

  2. You were looking for another short story how about one in the Israel strikes universe
