Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Will can't Spell Mathew Mc...Mathew Macgau...fuck it....

We've never actually watched Dazed and Confused but still....alright, alright, alright! 

We've read through the Klazienaveen chapter and it is as good as we can make it.

That leaves Grote Tanke Slog, which we'll probably tackle this weekend. 

All Three Seas formatting completed. If we wonted to, we could press the button and that thing could be out, TODAY.

The books for The Battle of Prudhoe Bay are in the mail. We could use some ideas for winter suffering vignettes.

Blogging has been kind of light. You people know Biden sucks, why should this blog keep saying it over and over again. Speaking of sucking, we think he'll chose Willie Brown's desk ranger for veep. We completely missed Monday Metal. We'll have a note on that tomorrow, and we promise the Confederates among this blog's contingent will like it.


  1. How about a story on Hawaii they don't produce enough food on their own and if the west coast harbors were hit how will they be resupplied and if the west coast harbors are out how will supplies get to Alaska to build the pipelines

  2. Nevermind forgot about Pearl harbor there wouldn't be a Hawaii left
