Monday, April 13, 2020

Will Nukes America

We're wondering if each chapter in The Great Nuclear War of 1975 needs a showcase scene, a scene that is longer and meatier...

[You hear that, right?-Ed]

...than the other scenes. Sorry if I twixed your nethers there Ed...

[You wish-Ed]

No, you wish.

This week we're working on the winter chapter. We're making this dark and horrifying. When we say horrifying, we don't mean people's skin peeling off their bodies. Rather, imagine what happens to the student body at a big university. The booze and pot are all gone, now it's just nuclear winter. This chapter will be absolute rock-bottom. We could use a few scene and location suggestions.

Then comes the Battle of Prudhoe Bay, tapping the great North Slope oil and natural gas fields, and building the pipeline down to Valdez. That ought to get us to 40,000 by the end of May.


  1. Wouldn't it be easier to tap the fields in North Dakota or did we even know about them yet

  2. We did but it was DEEP. Also the Prudhoe field was under develeopment and they'd alraedy sunk some wells producing 20K BPD. So they were almost good to go by 75, the same year they started the pipeline.
