Monday, May 11, 2020

Peking's Propaganda Propping Pangolin Preparers

As reader's know, 75 years ago Saturday Nazi Germany surrendered. So ended the war in Europe.

The war in the Pacific wouldn't end until the United States singed 50% of Japan's urban area and topped that off with a twin nuking. The Imperial Japanese Navy quite sensibly wanted to negotiate for terms. Who can blame them? By July the carriers and battleships were all gone and t American carriers were reading the Japanese coast with impunity. The flyboys were actually running out of things to shoot up.

Did you know the Japanese army wanted to fight on?  

What is it about the Asian mind that see's death being preferable to admitting defeat? Even the Nazis knew hen to call it quits. Nazis.

 China is waging a ham-handed and stupid propaganda campaign which convinces nobody but seem satisfy themselves. As Principal Skinner would say. 'No. It's not me. The children are wrong.'

It's almost as if Mao's Little Red Book is bunk.

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