Friday, May 8, 2020

Star Wars: The Wrap

Let's face it. Star Wars is a spent force.* Three movies are wonderful, two are Okaaaay? And six are absolute dreck. Six! Plus the shockingly entertaining and competent Mandalorian.

It should not be this hard to make decent Star Wars movies. As Mr. Plinkett has asked, 'How do you fuck up Star Wars?'** It's hard to do. Yet two excellent producer/directors George Lucas and JJ Abrams managed to do just that.

Return of the Jedi is the film that still kindles that wonder for us. We were ten, we'd waited three long, long years for its release. And every time it's on we still feel the way we did when we first saw it. These days we get downright emotional about it.

So we're not going to tell reader(s) that we don't care. We do. It's just that our anger is spent. We're indifferent to George Lucas and JJ Abrams. We're resigned. 

*See what I did there?
** Post in this webzone if you want a pizza roll.

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