Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Stroock to Murphy: You're no Hitler

This blog hasn't talked much about locking down versus opening up for one simple reason. We're at ground zero, more or less, and our perspective is warped. 

New Jersey has 130,593 cases, Somerset County 3,364 and Bridgewater, 405. The rate of infection is slowing. Still, when people say it's time to end the lockdown, well, we're not so sure about that.

We say, ask the experts. They're never right. This time their fancy slide rule models were all wrong. Back in the late 90's, experts thought up the idea of giving ARM mortgages to people with bad credit, and were telling us eating a low fat, high carb diet was the way to be healthy. So yeah, no. Expertise is worthless. So if an expert says do something, we say do the opposite.

Anyway, we know people like to kill Governor Phil Murphy for his Tucker Carlson interview, but aside from saying he wasn't thinking about the Bill of Rights, we thought he did fine. And he has done fine. We haven't seen him issuing edicts from the throne, he isn't scolding people. In fact, this Monday he was congratulating the good people of New Jersey for not acting like knuckleheads after opening the parks last weekend.

A lot of this is tonal. Murphy comes across as saying, through his mask, mind you, 'Look, folks, you need to social distance for a while, ok?' And he's given us clear benchmarks for when things can open back up. Basically that's when the hospitalization rate shows a steady, sustained decline.

Murphy is the complete opposite of that little Hitler, Michigan's Gretchen Whitmer... 

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