Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Trump is Godzilla...

...and Democrats are thousands of fleeing Japanese.

Trump's at 49 in the Gallup and 49 in the Rasmussen. The real number is actually a couple points higher. Remember, some people won't tell a stranger their real opinion, while here and there, conservatives are effing with pollsters. We know we used to.

After RUSSIA, after shampeachment, after trying to pin the Wuhan Virus from Wuhan China on Trump, there's really nothing more the Democrats can do. They will do something, be sure of that. Get this, the Deranged Dems are arguing before the Supreme Court that congress needs the Mueller probe grand jury materials because of their ongoing impeachment inquiry.

This blog can't wait to see what Pelosi, Schiff, Schumer try this autumn.

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