Sunday, May 24, 2020

Will Goes Rogue

In which we dive back into the Star Wars Paradox.

Here's what we wrote about Rogue One: A Star Wars Story the Monday after we saw it. Nut graph, as the J-School no-talents would say, we loved it. 

We remember the experience well. On Saturday Mrs. Stroock took the girls to see, I dunno, Trolls or something while we went with our neighbor, Bill to see Rogue One. The parties emerged from their respective theatres at the same time. We saw Mrs. Stroock and the girls, shouted and held up duel devil horns in triumph. We don't do that often.

We were blown away, overwhelmed, we felt like we'd been swimming underwater. Eighteen hours later we took Oldest Daughter to see Rogue One.

After the Force Awakens, which at the timed seemed ok to pretty good, it seemed as if Disney had figured out Star Wars. Which is why we wanted to cry after The Last Jedi. 

We are left with nothing but questions. We're confused, actually. We don't understand a world in which the last three Skywalker movies suck, Solo is interesting and Rogue One is totally awesome. As Billy said in Predator, 'It just doesn't make any sense.' 

So we watched Rogue One over the weekend and we'll be discussing it all week.

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