Tuesday, June 23, 2020

On Doing Even Less Than Nothing

We're as frustrated as you are, reader(s). Surly, angry, pissed off, Like we wanna wear a MAGA hat through a liberal town and dare someone to do something about it. Heck, we have warn a MAGA hat through a liberal town and dared someone to do something about it.

As they say the Revolution always eats it's own. That process has begun. Jimmy Fallon* and Jimmy Kimmel** are both on hiatus and on the verge of cancellation. That's nowhere good enough, but it's a start. Whose next? Here in New Jersey they're renaming buildings named after Woodrow Wilson. Make them do FDR next. 

And it will go too far. They're already coming for Washington and Jefferson***. Fake African American Shaun**** King says paintings, stained glass windows, etc etc that depict Jesus being white need to come down.. Without looking we're sure Mr. White Man there thinks Jesus was Black*****. Jesus was a Jew so...he probably looked more or less like our dad.

Conservatives on Twitter have started a hilarious campaign against Yale, as the school is named after a slave trader. They're coming after more schools.   There will be more of this. Just wait till the 4-Chan people pick a target.

*Too bad we, actually like Fallon and think he's non partisan.
**Screw him. Decorum prevents us from writing what we really think of that smug BLEEP who couldn't BLEEP a BLEEP if he had BLEEP and BLEEP BLEEP BLEEP.  To hell with him.
*** We proposed to Mrs. Stroock at the Jefferson Memorial, or Big T's as we called it back in the day.
****The only proper spelling of that name is SEAN.
*****Actually, we do think it should be capitalized, so what if the AP are a bunch of communist degenerates?

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