Sunday, June 14, 2020

Report on the Bridgewater Black Lives Matter Protest

Yesterday a group of Bridgewater/Raritan High School students led a Black Lives Matter Protest here in town. We attended, as did our daughter. the Procession marched about a mile from the library to the Municipal Town Center.
That's the pic we took from the back of the march while not kneeling for 8:46. The  flag, bottom left, was already being carried upside down. There was nothing we could do. We ain't no Rick Monday. We'd say a couple of hundred people showed up. We could go 300 on that number if we had to. The crowd was mostly young, but there were some Karen types there, some older people, and perhaps half a dozen Antifa wannabes. A couple of them struck as as vaguely dangerous.

One saw a lot of black clothes. In the height of the afternoon, these people must have been hot. The chanting was pro forma, very unimaginative. There was a loud, annoying white woman, maybe 30ish who kept trying to get things going.' We got a definite New Jersey Education Association vibe from her. Speaking of vibes, things got ever so slightly creepy as we got a better feel for the crowd. During the speaking portion of the rally, the crowd chanted, 'Defund the Police!'.

Half a dozen young people spoke at the end of the rally. A young man gave a ten minute or so speech about police brutality, militarization, and the killing of unarmed back men. He  proposed a series of reforms, 2/3rds of which we'd say are sensible. A young Pakistani girl was very angry as she spoke about being successful and Asian in America. She whipped out the 'model minority' trope. The young Indian man who preceded her talked about the success of Asians and Indians in America. The last speaker sounded like WEB Dubois, emphasizing education and raising one's voice. It's hard to argue with that. One young woman promised a revolution. Another said they were the generation that's going to change things. Twenty-five years ago we thought the same thing. Those sweet kids.

About halfway through the march this individual showed up:
He said he was a journalist. 'From where?' We asked. The New York Time's he replied. 'You know you're fake news, right?' And so our verbal harangue began. It ended with us shouting, 'Run commie!'

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