Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Will's Latest

Our latest article at Inforos:

Last week a white, horse-drawn hearse brought poor George Floyd to his final place of rest in Houston, Texas. Floyd led a troubled life which ended when Officer Derek Chauvin put his knee on the handcuffed man’s neck until he stopped breathing. Chauvin is now fired and awaiting trial for murder. Meanwhile, the nation’s political and cultural cracks widen. In Seattle, a bizarre collection of left-wing agitators has taken control of several blocks of the city’s Capital Hill neighborhood and renamed it the Capital Hill Autonomous Zone or CHAZ. The occupiers expelled the police and created their own force, extorted money from businesses, and harassed citizens living within. Tragically, the CHAZ community invited the homeless into the zone, these people promptly devoured CHAZ’s food supplies, and activists were forced to make an emergency appeal for vegan and soy-based food products. So far, Mayor Jenny Durkin insists there is no occupation of Capital Hill, and compares CHAZ to The Summer of Love. When asked about CHAZ, Washington State governor Jay Inslee feigned ignorance. CHAZ’s list of demands is… comprehensive. A similar autonomous zone was established in Portland, Oregon, itself a progressive city, but police quickly shut it down. Expect to see more of these zone’s spring up in other cities.

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