Friday, August 14, 2020

Palmerston's War: 1862- Notes

 A few ideas:

Palmerston's Ironclads: Already published, soon to be twice.

The Battle of Washington: A British fleet sales up the Potomac while an expeditionary force marches up the west bank. To the west the Army of Northern Virginia menaces but does not attack.

The Mississippi: A British Squadron takes New Orleans and sails up the Mississippi in an effort to clear out the Federals.

Runaway: A British ship takes in runaway slaves and doesn't know what to do. They'd been running the West Africa Patrol for fifty years.

Adams in London: Ambassador Charles F. Adams in London dealing with press, the PM, the public, Parliament.

Lemme have 'em, people.


  1. With the defenses of Washington could the British even hope to sail up the Potomac the Yankees never could sail past the James River defenses to Richmond

  2. Not sure how but love to see a English man reaction to Forrest or how would British officers take to working with a former British corporal like Cleburne

  3. Brits take Mackinac island (again). British treaty with Hawaii and hits California in an alliance with Mexico.

  4. Would the Yankees launch a attack up the Hudson River into Canada or across the Niagara river around Buffalo and what about the Great Lakes

  5. The British could support the Souix uprising in Minnesota

  6. Warships on the Great Lakes means the 1815 Treaty of Ghent is done. Both sides were limited to 3 warships on the Lakes total.

  7. St Lawrence seaway. Brits have to hold open sea lanes from: Montreal to Kingston, Welland canal area, Detroit/Windsor and St. Clair river. That's for the lower Great Lakes. Upper? You need to take Fort Mackinac (tough because Fort St. Joseph is abandoned by this time) and Sault Ste Marie Ontario and Sault Michigan. Do that and you can threaten Chicago (come on Will, you know you want to bombard Chicago), raid or capture Duluth and support the native uprising there. Don't and it's logistically impossible. No railways or decent roads west of Windsor. Trans Canadian railway doesn't get started until 1871
