Thursday, August 13, 2020

Will Spreads Disinformation for the Kremlin

Here's our latest column, through the Infobrics portal, which is owned by the Inforos (GRU?) people and also accused of spreading misinformation. As of this writing, no one in the media looking into us Putin stooges has bothered to contact us. Try journalism sometime, people. Side note, for a massive GRU disinformation campaign, Inforos is difficult to find in English.

Anyway, here's the column about Willie Brown's girlfriend:

So, after Senator Kamala Harris brutalized Joe Biden on stage for opposing forced bussing in the 70’s, called him a racist, and mocked him to his face, the Biden campaign has chosen the California Senator as his running mate. As this observer has noted previously, vice presidential picks rarely add anything to the ticket and the first and only rule is to do no harm. For weeks, Biden’s campaign considered a wide array of interesting, eclectic, and obscure candidates. Other than former National Security Advisor Susan Rice, Harris was probably the only viable choice. The Trump campaign went on the offensive against Harris right away...

Click on through... 

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