Saturday, September 19, 2020

Saturday Updates

This blog agrees with the President's statements on Justice Ginsburg entirely. We'll reserve comment for a more appropriate time, like tomorrow. Those needing insightful analysis now can do no better than Steve Sailer

Andy Ngo is reporting on riots in Portland.

We were reminded yesterday morning that it's Rosh Hashana, the Jewish new year. What's the year by the Hebrew calendar? We have no idea.  Our 'gogue conducted services via Zoom. Mrs. Stroock and oldest daughter participated. We made a special guest appearance.  Our Rabbi, who bears a striking resemblance to Bibi Netanyahu, lopped bits off the service with the verve and enthusiasm of Mark Stroock II at the Stroock Passover Seder. On a good night the man could conduct that baby in an hour fifteen. Or as one of his lifelong friends, who was in the British army, went ashore at Normandy, later served in the Palmach, and who almost certainly had something to do with the kidnapping and hanging of two British officers, said, 'Does anyone believe this crap? Lets eat.'

This blog is cynical and jaded about everything, the whole lot.

We didn't do much work on The Great Nuclear War of 1975 this week. We more or less got a chapter together, or at least figured out what we had to do to get it together.

Meanwhile we did a tonne of work on World War1990: The Final Storm. The book now stands at 40,000 words. Our plan is to get that 40k straight before moving on to the actual aerial assault. We approach that section of the book with great fear and trepidation. We don't know why. We've written aerial combat scenes before.

Our study of the War Between the State continues. We've had our first encounter with that Nathan Bedford Forrest fellow and we liked it. We liked it a lot. We may need to read a bio of the man.

We've had no luck choosing our next topic for binge-reading. Here's what we've done in the past: Russian history, post-colonial Africa, the Pacific War, post-war Europe, the Commonwealth nations. We'll just have to wait for lightening to strike.

Our foot continues to bother us, and we're actually keeping the follow up appointment with our foot-guy, !$#@. 

For a week, ten days now, maybe a month, we wake up in a cold sweat perhaps an hour after falling asleep. Often we wake up ravenously hungry for no damn reason. Often we wake up on the couch and don't even remember how we ended up there.

We have to do a thing today. We used to like doing that thing. But we no longer like doing that thing. We don't understand why. We miss liking doing that thing and wish we would like doing that thing again. Things about that thing have changed and those things about that thing will never change back. Not even this blog can turn back time. We need to do better. But the thing sure as hell doesn't make it easy.