Sunday, September 13, 2020

The Spark Across the Sky

We sat in our grand library yesterday afternoon for some time, amongst our thousand + history books, not to mention the accoutrements of unicorn and princess obsessed little girls, and pondered what we shall next read. This never really works. Reading inspirations come from a spark out of nowhere. This year it was Col. Schlichter's (PBUH) passing comment that he knows the Civil War. Last year it was HBO's Chernobyl. Five years ago we read a bunch of books about postwar Europe.

The Confederate Contingent noted that he's been reading up on the Wars de Napoleon. It's a hard subject to study in the United States.  The Napoleonic Wars are a thing about which Americans know little, and care even less. We read a ton about the wars back in the late 1990's and tried to revive the interest this year. We failed.

Here's our late 90's reading:

When you get to the Congress of Vienna, don't read the Kissinger book. Read Harold Nicholson's instead. That big white one on the left is 1,200 pages, we read it in the spring of 2001 for our gunpowder warfare  class at American Military University- online. Took us about 6 weeks.

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