Monday, September 28, 2020

Your Combined Sports Wrap, Movie Review and Debate Preview for 9/28/20

Well, it's Yom Kippur again, the Jewish day of atonement. It's like 52 weeks of Catholic Confession packed into four hours. Thanks to NJ's Little Andy C, services are still remote. Mrs. Stroock and Oldest Daughter will be 'attending' and we'll make a special guest appearance. This blog is cynical and jaded. Meh.

Last night we watched, for the first time in maybe 30 years, Star Trek III: The Search for Spock. Great? No. Good? Absolutely. The film's reputation suffers from Star Trek movie syndrome. Everyone knows the odd numbered films are bad, and the even are good. That's just science. But The Search for Spock is a well paced, well executed film. 3/4. Great news on this front too. Youngest daughter seems to have a taste for science fiction. She reads books about space and the solar system. She liked Return of the Jedi and liked Star Trek III too. Boy that feels good after a decade of fairy unicorns and princess sparkles.

We watched the New York Jets vs the Indianapolis Colts yesterday. What the hell for? We enjoy football carnage, and no team delivers it like the New York Jets. Final score 36-7 and it wasn't that close. But the real treat comes this morning, listening to their fans on WFAN. These people are happy when they're miserable and no one does miserable better than the New York Jets. Joe and Evan, 10 AM, folks. Be there.

Angkor is worried. The NYT's published a 10,000 word piece on Trump's tax returns which doesn't tell us anything we didn't already know. Trump is leveraged as hell and loses a ton of money. Trump's done business in Manhattan for 45 years. Lots of rich Manhattanites  have gone to jail for tax shenanigans but not Trump. If they had something, we'd have seen it years ago. Psssst...Columbia School of Journalism grads: when you don't make money, you don't pay income taxes, hence the term 'income'. These people literally know nothing. Expect an attempted drip-drip affect. Nobody cares.

This blog stands by it's prediction that there will be no debate and won't believe there will be a debate until it happens. Powerline has some interesting thoughts. Actually we think Joe will be okaaaaaay(?) on the stage. He was okaaaaaay(?) against Bernie Sanders. But the 77 year old socialist Jew is a wimp and wouldn't even know how to land a punch. You people don't really believe Trump when he says he's not doing a lot of debate prep, do you? Remember when he said he'd do an interview with Mueller. It's called misdirection, people. What do you think they do on all those flights to campaign rallies?  

Anyway, keep things in perspective, people. Candidates who go into debates planning to debate lose. Algore won all the arguments and made all the points but lost because he looked like an ass.  In 2004 Jean Francois le Kerry 'won' the first debate but later got slammed for his 'global test' remark. Who wants to talk about Mitt and his 'binders full of women'? Trump allegedly lost the first debate, but the only thing anyone remembers from the Trump-Hillary smackdown is Trump bringing the women Hillary's husband assaulted and 'you'd be in jail.' Debates always come down to a few viral moments.

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