Monday, October 12, 2020

In Which Will Dreams of Coeds and Hotdogs

Any one else get this dream where they've enrolled at a university, are living in the dorms, can't find their car and forget which floor they're living on? We hate that dream. If we're going to get dreams about going back to college why can't they involve coeds?

[I'm sorry, folks.  I just, I can't even....-Ed]

At one point in this dream, a young lady asked us to get her a hotdog.

[It's true, people. It's true-Ed]

A friend advised that every time he reads this blog he throws out all his beef and red wine.

[See what this constant harping is doing to people, you nancy?-Ed]

While watching a suck-ass New York sports franchise that shall not be named, yesterday we saw a campaign ad in which Trump touted his record on the Wuhan virus from Wuhan China. It's about time. Either his campaign people didn't realize how vulnerable he is on this (doubtful) or they've been saving it for the closing argument (likely).

Harris/Biden's refusal to answer the court packing question officially became a thing last week. It's a campaign issue now and that's not good for them.

Today begins the confirmation hearings of the talented and angelic judge Amy Coney Barrett. The Dems have been making specious arguments about norms and precedents and now they're accusing the GOP of, get this, court packing. Hundreds of journalists parroted the line. But the Dems will attack the judge's Catholicism, too. They have no choice. The screaming feminist womb scrapers will insist, and the Dems won't be able to help themselves anyway. Expect the committee room to fill up with harpies wearing those stupid Handmaid's Tale costumes. Retards. This'll play great in the Midwest.

We'll cover this for a commie handlers at Inforos. They pay many rubles, da.

These are the weeks in which Trump seals the deal.

A great night for Antifa in Portland, Andy Ngo reports. No, no, it's not going to get worse. Why do you ask?

A bit of good news from on transmission rates here in New Jersey. They're going down. We have the highest Covid death rate per 100,000 in the nation. Here's a nifty map of our own Somerset County, if anyone is interested

We'll run through another 50 or so pages of The Great Nuclear War of 1975. Would switching back to The Final Storm in November be counterproductive?

We knocked off one Nederland chapter and got 2/3rds of the way through another this weekend. Lays ahead he big finale, which we'll do this week. We're not entirely pleased with what we're seeing but that's actually normal.

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