Thursday, October 1, 2020

Nuke the Winter

So we've written The Great Nuclear War of 1975 through to the autumn of 1976.  We can see where we'll need to ad maybe half a dozen scenes to flesh things out. Getting to spring '77 is the goal. The question is how we get there.

We've been considering a subplot where Mexico invades the United States, with the encouragement of the Soviet Embassy in Mexico City. It'd be a real half-assed affair. We wonder if we should bother, as we already did the Second Korean War. That said, it might be the overall story for the winter of 1976-77.

Haig could be recalled to manage the war. There'd be a battle of the Salton Sea, or some such. Maybe we'd bomb the Soviet Embassy, Arclight the hell out of Mexico City just to be jerks.

We'll see.

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