Wednesday, October 14, 2020

We've been Nederlanded...Nederlanded? Also Nuclear Warred

Who knows? In Nederland we have one last chapter to go, the big one at the end with lots of tanks exploding and jets blowing stuff up. We'll get that done this weekend. As noted before the text seems overdone, over edited. We're at the, ohhh, fuck no stage.

Moving on to The Great Nuclear War of 1975, we're editing a chapter about farms/ranches; one in California, one in Georgia, one in North Carolina, all dealing with the influx of refugees. After a week we're still whacking at it like a piƱata, which means we need to put the bat down and back away. Maybe we fixed it.

We're questioning ourselves now, questioning our writing, our skills even, second guessing. Is that good? We guess. Or not.

No one cares. Work harder. Time for an 80's training montage:

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