Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Will goes Legit?

Since the spring of 2019 we've written, I dunno, nearly fifty columns for Inforos. That's a lot of, Russian disinformation. 

We have good reason to write for Moscow, the most important being they'll have us. Also, we like getting that email* from the editor (lets call him Vladimir) asking what we're going to write for him that week. It's nice to be wanted.

Our GRU handlers have remunerated us handsomely and we feel nothing but elation when 'Ivan' hands us the envelope full of rubles. But those midnight dead drops are really stressing us out.  We see strange cars in the rearview, there one moment, gone the next. We hear choppers in the sky but can't see them. Why would they fly with their running lights dark?

Maybe it's time to move on. We think we can get pieces published in other online venues, American ones. Maybe? Who wants a Russian stooge like us, right?

'Watch out for those weirdos,' they say. 'We are the weirdos,' we reply. We have degrees but both were earned online. We publish novels but do it ourselves. We have social media accounts, but they're at places like Gab. We've been quoted by major media outlets, heh, major Russian media outlets. See what we mean? So in our estimation, Inforos fits right into the Mos Eisley Cantina that is our career.

Why become respectable now?

*We used to FB message but Zuckerberg nuked everything Inforos

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