Monday, November 30, 2020


We wake up to a rainy and bleak post Thanksgiving. Feels like January 2nd. 

From time to time a man should pause and take stock, and this seems like as good a time as any to to know our limitations, you've got to, Dirty Harry said...

We have become a successful mid-list author but see no way forward.

Over the years our editing process has gotten harder.

Our social media efforts do not sell books.

Neither does our semi-weekly Inforos column.

We are unable to grow our presence on various social media platforms.

This blog's audience has shrunk over time.

We are unable to converge or vertically integrate books sales, social media efforts, or our column. Each stands alone.

We tried to learn French for two plus years. We stopped trying to French.

We play guitar but bumped up against a ceiling. We can get no better. It's as hard to learn a song now as it was in 2010. We stopped playing guitar.

After 25 years we're handy around the house, but there's all kinds of things we won't even try *cough* wiring *cough*.

We can't get our lawn to look nice and green and non-patchy.


We are bitterly disappointed about Les Francais and guitar and don't think we'll ever try anything new like that again.

A man's got to know his limitations.

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