Saturday, November 7, 2020

Saturday Updates

We felt we earned it. Honestly we're not getting out of this what we used to get out of this. So we dunno. 

Oh look, something we used to be into that we're not that into anymore. At least it's probably good to be not that into those as we used to be.

What a week. Physically, emotionally and spiritually we're exhausted. If Robert Stacy McCain can unplug why can't we?

The PA and MI legislatures are convening oversite hearings. It seems the GOP is figuring out that as Trump goes so go they. Trump has already won some legal victories in PA, so there's good news there. These people saying it'll be ok because the GOP will control the senate don't understand what's at stake. You don't think the Dems will steal the presidency and then not manufacture enough votes in the not one but two Georgia runoffs, do you? In the GOP's favor, Cocaine Mitch. The GOP is taking to the streets, that's something you didn't see in 2000.

Now that's all we gotta say about that.

We finished the Nederland readthrough. Because we have time, and because we're really into self harm, we might order another proof and read it again. Honestly, we need to change the way we do this.

Slowly The Great Nuclear of 1975 gets better. Very slowly. Again, we dunno.

And that's about all we have to write this morning.

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