Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Will Assesses his Campaign 2020

 Adam Piggott says you can't be neutral anymore:

As the year 2020 draws to a close, another rallying cry is beginning to be heard around that nation as people openly pick sides and disavow those who are attempting to remain bystanders on the sidelines.

Read the whole thing, as Piggott talks about the case of brave Kyle Rittenhouse and Black Rifle Coffee Company. We used to have one of their T-shirts.

As the political situation grows worse, we're not sure what we can, would or should do. We're a bystander for most events, an observer, really.

But we've been meaning to inventory what we did during the campaign and this seems like as good a time as any to do so.

First, all year we wore our MAGA gear wherever we wanted too, including liberal Great Barrington, MA. During the George Floyd Riots we wore a MAGA hat through Somerville a few times. We've been to several Trump/Stop the Steal rallies in Bedminster, just a few minutes from Trump National. And several times we manned the phone bank at Tom Kean Jr. for Congress. We hate the telephone.

Here's how it works. One sits at a laptop computer with a red phone. The computer has special software with all the district's Republican voters vital info*. The computer calls four numbers at once and routs the first ringing number to you. When someone answers, you give them the schpeel and log it in as a contact and then hit, 'Next Number'. This is done strictly on a volunteer basis. On election day a half dozen of us where in the office making calls and chatting amiably. 

So we did more than we usually do. More than we've done campaign wise since college, when we walked around Wesley College hanging Fire Florio/Hire Whitman and Contract with America posters in '94.

We did a hell of a lot more than we ever would have or planned to do. We don't think it amounted to much. We don't know what to do next. But we know we won't be neutral.


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