Sunday, December 6, 2020

Will's Good Idea for the Week of 12/6/20

We're getting a lot of work done on The Great Nuclear War of 1975 and World War 1990: Saddam's War. While we've edited what we have of World War 1990: The Final Storm, thinking about the second part of the book, we got nothing, nada, no ju-ju.

Plenty of ju-ju for everything else though.

Lets see...we have the Battle of the Roki Tunnel. We have chapters setting up all the characters and the plot. We have chapters showing some new characters. We have chapters laying ground work for future books in the series. We even have a chapter showing a Tornado Bomber raid on a nuclear missile field. But nothing else. Nothing from Hogg Squadron flying off the Eisenhower. Nothing about our B-2 guys, remember them? 

Other strike groups will include the French and Italians flying out of Crimea. We're adding the Israelis to that one. They have experience with this sort of thing, after all. The Japanese in the Far East. We're bringing back Williams and the Australian F-111 Squadron from ANZACs. We've decided that the US Navy refitted an Ohio boat as a Tomahawk delivery system, (like they did in the 2000's.

Ah, there we go.

So we really need to focus, bear down, bite the bullet, dig deep, concentrate...concentrate...concentrate...pinch-hitting for Pedro Borbon, Manny Mota...Mota...Mota...crack [crowd cheers].*

Not this week, though.

*That is professional grade Gen-X cultural reference convergence. 

1 comment:

  1. I can't see using a relatively new Ohio for SSGN, but why not a retiring Ben Franklin class. The Ben Franklin was retired in 1993 in our timeline.
