Monday, January 4, 2021

And a Dreary Monday to All Ya'll

Let's get what's sure to be an *interesting* week off to a good start. Not The Bee reports the Dem's opening prayer ended with 'amen' and then 'awoman'. To quote Nadine from Red Letter Media, what the fuck is this? Who the fuck are these people? This was [loads adjectives into Stalin-organ rocket launcher]: appalling, blasphemous, insulting, offensive, stupid, moronic...To put it another way, 'What is retarded, Alex?' By the many arms of Vishnu, they mean it. Chuck Schumer, the worst Jew in America, should know better. As a friend pointed out, they know this is stupid. That's the whole point.

After that this blog almost feels like its got nothing else. What can we say? Its January 4th. The first day back at (remote) school for the Stroocklettes. Last night the Giants could have won the NFC East with a Redskins loss to the Eagles. Problem was the Eagles decided to tank, and pulled their QB. Mrs. Stroock, an Eagles fan herself (now that's a mixed marriage), was pissed. After living in Northern Virginia for the first few years or our marriage, we both loath the 'Washington Football Club'.

We say WFC with some contempt, but actually we think the name lends dignity. We say to owner Daniel Snyder why not stick with it? Washington FC? Or change one word, The Washington Red Tails? Now that could be a cool helmet. We'd just use the image of a P-51 Mustang, maybe just the tail. We'd still hate them though. 

Failing Red Tails or some such, we'd suggest Washington Foreskins. I hate the Redskins/Oh Yes I do...and Danny Snyder/ Go to hell, fuck you.

Over in Israel they've already vaccinated a million people out of about nine million overall. Because of geography it's a hell of a lot easier to do over there than over here. Elsewhere, The Times of Israel reports Iran is ramping up it's uranium enrichment. Proof, Bibi says, as if any was needed. You know, One of those Ohio class boats with the 154 Tomahawk loadout is in the Persian Gulf. We doubt anything will happen. But it would be cool. So cool we modified one for World War 1990: The Final Storm. As a reader pointed out, we should have used a Franklin class boat. Damn it.

Anyone else remember the US/Iran war book we planned? Maybe we should take a second look? Na...We're not in the mood to research new weapons systems, cyber war, drone warfare, etc etc. Or are we? Who has the time? But there's the buzz again. Maybe that's the novel we should sneak in and write during the summer. A one-off, we swear.

[You don't ever get to write, say, or think those words again, Mr. Break Up my Nuke Novel into Three Books. Big girl's blouse-Ed]

Baaaa...What's the week hold? We realized we need to add a Japan chapter to World War 1990: The Final Storm. Which is fine. Samurakami returns. This would be a good way to update readers on what's happening after Japan liberated Vladivostok. A few friends commented that they really liked that aspect of the book. One scene at a time. 

We wanted to land a few writing gigs outside this blog and our work on Moscow's behalf. We asked, and the commies are off till the week of the 11th, New Years and Grandfather Frost and all that. We've found success on the gig front. One has great potential. Actually, both have great potential. We'll be working on one of those this week.

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