'Don't worry about being a great man. Just be a man. And let history judge.' - Zefram Cochrane
Well it's the second to last day of the Trump Administration. Four years sooner than we thought. Four years sooner than we want it.
They stole the election. They stole it brazenly without shame or remorse. Don't ever let them tell you otherwise, and don't ever let them get away with saying it. Ever.
The Dems and media think they've shamed Trump out of existence. They think the narrative is set. They learn nothing and forget nothing. Sorry but that's not how history works. Lemme tell you people a few stories.
Harry Truman was practically run out of town. The press and the pundits thought he was weak and ineffective and blamed him for 'losing China'. When Ronald Reagan left office they said he was an amiable dunce 'sleepwalking through history'; they tried to tell us the 80's were bad. Bush the Elder was tired, bored and detached.
Time passes. Historians sift through the record. New information comes to light. Eventually the nation comes to a collective understanding.
All three of those presidents have aircraft carriers names after them.
Twelve years now have passed since W left office, and this blog's opinion of his presidency hasn't really changed. Handling 9/11, liberating Afghanistan, winning Iraq, strong economy, handling the financial crisis. That's a B to B + presidency.
So let's take a first quick look at the Trump record. Here are a few points.
-Greatest economy ever. New trade deals
-Defeating Isis. No new wars. Soleimani, al Baghdadi
-Handling of Covid: travel ban, PPE, Ventilators, Warp Speed
So there's a start. Weigh in below, reader(s).
The old world order was built after WW2 to fight the cold war. Trump was the 1st president since Bush the elder to see that the cold war was over and we needed to re-evaluate our relationships with every country. We kept the sea-lanes open for our allies, we sacrificed our blood and treasure to ensure free trade and often harmed our own people to do so. Trump saw what we had done and tried to address lopsided trade deals enriched the elites and did nothing for middle and lower classes.
ReplyDeleteCovid showed everyone that moving our production overseas was a mistake and Trump had been saying that for years and was pilloried for it.
He tried making our allies pay for their own defense. We became an oil exporter.
Trump tried to reshape our relationship with the world and for that they tried to destroy him.
Excellent takes.