Saturday, January 16, 2021

Saturday Updates

We had a really good week of exercise. We walk two and a half miles. Takes us about an hour. At the end of it we feel the same way we did after running four miles on the treadmill. Took about an hour. There's a lesson there. We're lifting and working with tension bands twice a week and seeing fab results. Our weight is creeping up but we are convinced that's muscle mass.

We blogged more about politics then we meant to this week. As Prime Minister Macmillan said, events dear boy, events. We're not going to get into the weeds. We're not going to worry ourselves about legislation like we did during the Soetoro Regime with Obamacare and the debt ceiling confrontation. What will be will be, and if the nation needs to see what happens with a $15 minimum waged, inshallah. Honestly, we're not even sure we oppose it anymore. We're far more interested in the cultural aspect these days anyway. We'll talk more about that next week.

For those of you who follow us on FB, every time we post pics of the Stroocklettes, its to suppress the urge to post about the steal. We are sorely tempted to close our FB account, but it's just too valuable for keeping up with relatives and meeting fans like you people. Those relationships are highly valued and some of you are trusted literary advisors. 

We are reminded that today is the anniversary of Operation Desert Storm. Here's the piece we did a few weeks ago about letting Saddam keep Kuwait. Arctic Storm, Eastern Storm, Polish Storm, The Final Storm....Get it?

On to the things.

We had a great sales week and are projected to best our best month last year. Projected. We plan, god laughs. For as it is written, we plan, god laughs. Nederland leads, of course. Arctic Storm is second, which is....well heh. The great thing about surging Arctic Storm sales is that it's a gateway drug, er book. People will read it and want to know what happens next. We are very good at what we do.

This week we added a lot of British stuff to The Great Nuclear War of 1975. Maggie is the emergency PM. Yes we know, writing about Maggie again, but it seems the best fit for the book. No one is going to care about Denis Healy or Ted Heath and there was no realistic way to make Enoch Powell PM. But Mr. Powell is in the book. Also it just so happened that HMS Swiftsure had been commissioned in 1974. There's a great angle, and we have a book by a guy who was actually on her [phrasing -Ed]. Oh, the Argentines will be making trouble. Why not? You people know where this is going. We'll be writing that chapter next week.

We're using presidential cabinet meetings to present ideas, issues, scenarios, convey info. 'Mr. President, there are 19 million bushels of wheat on hand.' They work, but somehow we feel something is off. It's not a too much issue. Maybe it's a not enough issue. We were just reading Jerry Pournelle's Mamelukes and were fascinated by pages and pages of talk about what was happening with the Wanax, Drantos, the Five Kingdoms, and Rome. 

We'll be devoting mental energy to The Final Storm and writing a few scenes. We need to get that thing back on track.

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