Saturday, January 23, 2021

Saturday Updates

What a week. We blogged up a storm and wrote about Joe more than we meant to. But it was a good week of blogging. Next week, the GOP, Trumpism and some hard truths.

We hit our ego's sweet spot by publishing two things in two different places. Behold our regular bit of Russian disinformation at Inforos and another what if at 19fortyfive.  We titled it, 'What if Hillary Threw the Book at Bill?' But editors will edit, as is their wont. Oh well. By the way, the editor at 19fortyfive wants us to write a retrospective what if on Trump's second term. The clickbait potential is enormous but we feel it may come off as MAGA wish-casting. Only a writer of great talent and skill such as ourselves could pull this off. Challenge accepted.

Sales soar, like a Phoenix rising out of Arizona.  Nederland will top Battle of the Three Seas' best month. Overall January is on track to be our best month ever. Thank you, back list. You people really love World War 1990. It's almost as if the more you write, the more people read you. Huh.

We had a pretty rough week on the novel writing front. The Great Nuclear War of 1975 is now 66,000 words.* All of our work was about the UK, Argentina and the Falklands and the chapter is really shaping up nicely. Readers will see Whitehall, HMS Swiftsure, an Argentine task force, and a supply convoy bound for Los Angeles escorted by the Belgrano whose skipper is a war skeptic. See what I did there?

We only got a couple of rough scenes done in The Final Storm. We Lopped off the Georgia opening blockbuster so the MS is not so unwieldly. Georgia will go back in when the MS is done. Not blitzkrieg but trench warfare.

*We split the MS in two, remember. The other half is 55,000 words. If I can give you people a pair of 70,000 word novels at the regular $4.99, that's fair. And there will be a third. As Neil Gaiman has said, my only responsibility to the fans is to take their money.

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