Saturday, January 30, 2021

Saturday Updates

Devotees will recall we had burger this week. We got a twinge, but overall no gout. Fingers crossed. 

One month without a cigar. It's not hard when it's January in the northeast. But still.

We have a hell of a time finding something to watch at night. It's not TV, it's us. We really don't understand why we can't settle on watching something. Writing and blogging on the weekend probably doesn't help. When you have a library of 1,500 books [show off-Ed] and can't find anything to read, there's a problem.

We got bored yesterday afternoon. Below, please find a map of the Stroockonian Galactic Empire ca 571 AW*:

On to the things.

The Great Nuclear War of 1975 is 71,000 words. Is it done? We still have to finish up the Falklands chapter. We are pleased with our progress there, the chapter works. Otherwise we did everything else we wanted to do this month. So The Great Nuclear War of 1975 is mostly done. 

In February we'll dive into The Great Recovery of 1976. That's probably not the title, but that's what we're calling it. As of right now it's 53,000 words. Given the breakup of the MS we think we'll beef up the Korean War chapter, maybe show Haig bringing reinforcements. We expect it'll go to 65,000 without a problem.

We didn't do much with World War 1990: The Final Storm this week. We just haven't occupied that mental space. We plan, god laughs. For as it is written: We plan, god laughs.

The World War 1990 books are moving. We're wondering if we just shouldn't plow ahead, do Saddam's War and Esercito Italiano. That would set the narrative line to Election '92.

We spent a lot of time on Gab this week, had a lot of interactions and a lot of new followers. Basically, we're trying to take the time we waste on FB and waste it on Gab instead. Move to Gab and speak freely.

*After Will

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