Friday, July 29, 2022

If It's Friday, it's a Bunch of Random Stuff

Boris Johnson is being considered for NATO secretary general. Never think Boris wasn't part of the club. He's like Macron (also a sex-weirdo) or Merkel (a barren communist) only fatter and with a worse haircut. Even after Brexit, the club is the club. 

The Ukraine War is going on six months. Just like this blog predicted, the war fades into the background and becomes part of the white noise of everyday life, like Jugoslavia back in the 90's. Who's winning? Who's getting the best of it? We've no idea. The Zelenskys look good in Vogue, though.

We're drawing a blank on 19FortyFive and Rising Apple right now. Not good. These are the dog days of summer. The heat wave has here in New Jersey has passed. Looks like we'll get another wave next week, though. We feel weird. 

Randomly, we've published a lot this year so far. Inforos, Strategy & Tactics (bastards) 19FortyFive, Rising Apple, Military History Matters, two novels and as always, this blog. 

Funny joke from an anonymous commenter yesterday about our space-war story. Check it out. 

Let's say the war is entering its fourth year and the good guys just lost a major naval engagement. They've found a way to get to the bad guy's major naval base in that sector and are going to stop their momentum via this raid. But how do the good guys get there. Are we doing FTLs here? Jump gates? 


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