Saturday, July 23, 2022

Saturday Updates

Welcome to the Saturday update, Stroock's Books collective. 

The heatwave continues apace here in New Jersey. We asked one of our daughter's friends about her grandparents, who are visiting from India, as is tradition in this neighborhood, what they thought about the heat. They didn't even think it was hot, she said. Meanwhile, a limey friend commented that with the recent heatwave there (95+)*, he'd never been so hot in Europe. Wus. As the great Mark Steyn once remarked, North America is a continent that spends 6 months of the year trying to kill you. 

We had a great week at the gym, four trips, two hour long runs, two machine sessions. Our body is tired and sore. 

We got the first estimate for demoing our mold infested basement at the Stroock Northern Strategic Direction. Yeah, no. Start over please, because we ain't paying that.

The things.

You know, we're wracking our brain but can't come up with anything for 19FortyFive. 

We had hoped for a few announcements this morning, but none are forthcoming. In fact, one of our plans is in jeopardy. 

Not World War 1990: The Weser, though. Everything is done and submitted and in review. Usually the review only takes a couple of hours. But we're well past 18 hours now. What's up with that? 

We spent all week reading through The Great Salvation of 1976 and are almost done. Some scenes need cutting and expanding. We've work to do. There's some war-war and plenty of jaw-jaw. Lots of talk-talk about what to do next, too.  We wrote a whole chapter dealing with schools and libraries in the spring after the war. We think that sort of thing is interesting. Will the reader?

The Great Nuclear War of 1975 is closing in on 400 Amazon ratings and has passed Nederland in overall KU reads. Remarkable. We really had a good idea there, didn't we? No wonder we're planning 3 and maybe as many as 5 novels. Not bad for what was originally a short story. 

*Don't even think of asking us to convert to fru-fru Euro metric numbers. We can't. We won't. 

1 comment:

  1. For the 1945 article how about if the Romanian troops had proper anti tank guns the Soviet counter attack would of failed even without they fought hard and held the Russians for 2 days before being overrun
