Friday, July 15, 2022

Writing is Difficult and Scary

Post number 4999.

Over at Military History Matters a small preview of our article on the Trent Affair and British war plans on the North American Station: 'On 8 November 1861, the USS San Jacinto approached the British steamer Trent in the Bahama Channel, between the Bahamas and Cuba. Though Trent was clearly flying the Union Jack, Captain Charles Wilkes, of the United States Navy, ordered a shot fired across her bow. Trent’s captain ordered his ship to come to. An American party went aboard and found the men Wilkes was looking for: Confederate ambassadors John Slidell and James Murray Mason. Wilkes took Slidell and Mason prisoner and brought them back to the San Jacinto. Thus began the Trent Affair, an international diplomatic crisis that threatened to bring the United States and Britain to war for the third time in 80 years.' That's our third piece with Military History Matters, and the second* in three issues. Not bad. 

So here we are, articles out in Military History Matters and 19Fortyfive. Still, yesterday we resubmitted World War 1990: The Weser and just felt our confidence collapse. You know when they finally re-opened the stock market after 9/11 and the Dow lost 900 points in a second?** Like that. We were actually physically ill for about ten minutes. We reminded ourselves of our inherent talents and remembered to trust in Kek. With Kek all things are possible [That's so 2017-Ed] Whatever. You got another stupid frog-cult I can join? 

19Fortyfive said they want more ideas. Will submit.

Man, we still miss writing for Inforos. Or maybe we're just worried that our KGB handler will use his kompromot against us.

Today and this weekend we get back to work reading through The Great Salvation of 1976, which we haven't looked at in a week. Wish us luck. We feel nothing but fear and trepidation. 

We read through a couple of books about collapse of Soviet Union. Interesting. But the idea has petered out, or lost its ju-ju. What next, if anything?

Exit Question. This is the last blogpost till post number 5,000. Does it seem like we're getting ready to wrap things up for good? Or at all?

Below, your Friday flag, the Royal Navy Jack:

*Click the link you can read the full article

**True story. I watched it in real time

1 comment:

  1. I hope you continue one of the biggest reasons you became my favorite author was reading this blog I loved being able to see how your thoughts about stories develop I will truly miss it
