Thursday, September 15, 2022

Observations, Randomly

We're rearranging chapter order in World War 1990: The Final Storm. The Barents Sea chapter, with the carriers and subs and whatnot after the Battle of the Kola should be upfront, no?

We were talking with a fellow North American about World War 1990: Kabul, in which the Muj, the ISI, the CIA and Aussie SAS foment a revolt in Kabul. Remember, the Ruskis never withdrew in this universe. Thais project would be a long way off, though. 2024?

We started a new scene for The New American Order yesterday but deleted it. We think we finished the 1980 chapter. 

Mrs. Stroock is taking Oldest and Middle Daughter to see Harry Styles tonight using REDACTED corporate tickets. She knows a guy.  

Youngest Daughter is really into Michael Jackson lately. We couldn't be happier. Maybe we're just pushing 50, but Man in the Mirror gets us every time.  

People with face and neck tattoos are morons. 

It seems the rightwing parties in Sweden will form the new government. We don't know much about Swedish politics, but have asked our man on the ground in Scandanavia for his insights. 

This article by Michael Rubin at our own 1945 has to be read to be believed. Rubin turns Zelensky into a mini-Churchil as he ra-ra's Ukraine. Yawn...Rubin calls for 'no compromise' with Russia and wants the war to go on and on. And get this. 'The goal of the West should be to restore Ukraine’s nuclear deterrence and place it under Ukrainian control.' Just a couple of problems I can foresee. Neocon is gonna Neocon. 

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