Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Small (and rough) Sample

 Relevant to the previous post about writing a lot of exposition narrative, what do you people think of this?:

     The Democratic National Committee had had great difficulty choosing a location for the 1980 convention. They needed a location that was both acceptable and accessible to Democrats and large enough to accommodate thousands of delegates. Young Republican --, had defeated Jerry Browne in the 1978 gubernatorial election, which DNC Chair Bob Strauss saw as a foreboding sign for the party throughout the country. ‘I’m afraid the Soviets just killed too many of our voters,’ Shrum told the new Democrat establishment on a conference call. Americans already associated California with the GOP in t thanks to the trickle of movies and shows coming out and the periodic reports of Paul Harvey. Hubert Humphrey offered St. Cloud, Minnesota to the committee, but Strauss declined since Humphrey had lost in 1976 and 1968 and the party needed to focus on the future. From the Greenbrier Bobby Byrd suggested someplace in the old south. Humphrey, Parsons and other northerners didn’t want to do anything to further encourage Alabama’s George Wallace, even if he had dropped much of his racial talk and claimed to be reformed. Yankees like Parsons refused to believe him. After much pressure from 

     Daniel Patrick Moynihan and Bob Perkins, in the end the committee chose Saratoga Springs, New York. Governor Mary Ann Krupsak had been running the state from Saratoga Springs since the war. She’d won the gubernatorial election of 1978 and some in the party had wanted Krupsak to run for president in 1980, but both she and the DNC thought it was too soon for a woman.

            In the last five years Saratoga Springs had gown precipitously in population and economic strength, as refugees from the destroy Albany, Schenectady, Troy triangle settled there. State and town cooperated to build housing complexes along Route-29, east to Great Saratoga Springs. Long a horse racing hub, Saratoga Springs was now breeding tens of thousands of them a year for farming and transportation. Others found work in the various cottage industries springing up along the Route-29 Corridor, metallurgy making pieces for the various appliance repair shops that had been opened, even electronics.

Moynihan and Parsons had used the selection of Saratoga springs as raison deter to funnel federal funds to New York. The two of them working, with Governor Krupsak had big plans for Saratoga Springs including a new airport, road and rail hub.

            On this evening Moynihan ,Parsons  and Strauss sat in the former’s hotel room waiting for the president to address the Republican National Convention.....

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