Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Will hearts Vlad

After back-to-back days at the gym we feel tired, sore, and good.  

We hung a curtain rod this afternoon. Had three good wall studs. The screws went in, out and back in again without issue. The brackets are all on the same line. The rod is level.  It always bugs us when DIY projects, no matter how small, go off without a hitch. We await with great fear and trepidation. Normally now I'd bellow, 'Woman of the house, I have been doing man-things. Send the kids to the neighbors and make yourself pretty.' Then Mrs. Stroock clocks me over the head with her biggest frying pan. [Why bother hitting you in the head? Won't do no good-Ed]

We didn't actually know what Kanye West said about al-Yahud/der Juden because we didn't care. This morning we looked it up. Wow. We know some White Nationalist types on Gab who'd be all, 'Okay, wow dude. That's hardcore.' This blog has noted before that some black people believe a lot of weird crap about Jews. See for example DC Councilman Trayon White and his Rothschilds' weather machine. 

More Jews...Writing a third Israel Strikes novel would be a daunting task, logistically speaking. We haven't thought about this project in years. That's a problem. We have people whom we ask, 'What did I I write about the thing with the guy in the place?' And that's about books we wrote this year. We don't even know the enemy.  Egypt, we guess. We'd really have to update ourselves on drone and cyber warfare. There's the Iran angle of course. And don't forget the Haredi Rosenzweig and the dirty bomb the Iranians gave him. 

Getting back to making excuses for Putin...After a while, by about 2010 say, we came to think of Vladimir Putin as an evil Bond villain, both ruthless and quietly competent. He won the war in Chechnya and utterly broke the Islamic regime there. We were once sympathetic to the Chechens, but not after the Beslan massacre. In 2008 we were shocked by the rapidity of Russia's victory in Georgia. Ukraine had no chance during the Crimea campaign of 2014. Vlad was 3/3 going into this war. When word went out one Saturday night that Russian air and air mobile forces were hitting Kiev, we admit we thought, 'Oh crap, here comes the knockout punch.' 

The Ukes surprised us that night and continue to do so. The Russians land drive to Kiev turned into a mess. After that they gobbled up lots of territory in southern Ukraine while suffering humiliating setbacks like the loss of Moskva. Now Russian troops are steadily falling back east toward more defensible territory. Some are describing this as a clever ploy by Putin to draw out and expose Ukrainian forces. This strikes us as wish casting. There's lots of talk about Russian commanders being fired. On the one hand they failed. On the gripping hand this shows flexibility on Putin's part. Lincoln fired lots of generals too. The gals at Nightingale Russia would probably say we're comparing Putin to Lincoln.  

You know what impressed us the most? The rapid construction and opening of the Kerch bridge. Here's what we wrote about it in 2018. I asked my Russian (Lithuanian) neighbor what the title, Missiya Vyponena! mean, she says, 'Mission accomplished.'

A little collusion for the commercial break, laced with pointless nostalgia. Who else remembers the Moscow Music Peace Festival of 1989? And look, there's Gorky Park:

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