Monday, October 17, 2022

Will's Jewish Holiday, Jewish News, Afro-Judeo relations, and Gentile Sports Update

Sukkot last night, which was nice. 

For Monday Metal Sukkos Style:

Remaining on the Jewish beat and thinking about a third Israel Strikes novel...We planned a massive conflagration in the Sinai. We're not sure that would work. Given how Israel Strikes: War of the Red Sea developed, the obvious enemy is Turkey. That military has considerable punch. A Pakistani army officer we once knew said Turkey had the best military in the Islamic world. Inshallah. [Turks don't speak Arabic-Ed]. I know. 

Trump to Jews: Drop Dead. As the great Stephen L. Miller says, 'Dad's tweeting again!' Come on, fellow Maga hats, aren't you sick of Trump being Trump? We know we are. After nearly two years in exile, we wanted to see a leaner, meaner, more focused Trump. We don't see that at all. Which doesn't change the fact that Trump won. But still....we shake our head in disappointment. 

Trump doesn't hate Jews. But much of the Democrat caucus does, Ilhan Omar, AOC, Rashida Tlaib, Jamal Bowman, Ayanna Presley. It was the Clintons that plotted to hand Jerusalem over to Yassir Arafat*. Hillary! called one of her staffers a 'Jew bastard' and hugged Suha Arafat** after the pig blood libeled the Israelis. Obama signed the Iran/Nuremburg deal and was deeply rhetorically hostile to Israel. 

We weren't going to bring up again the bizarre streak of Juden-hass running through parts of the African American community (see some of the names above), but here's Kanye West as headlined in the Jerusalem Post: Kanye says 'Jewish Zionists' control the media, Jews own the Black voice. West also said that "Jewish people have owned the Black voice" and referred to Planned Parenthood as Black people's "Holocaust Museum."

Meanwhile, the indefatigable Rich Baris has a clip of our girl, Marjorie Taylor Green doing that Aztec human sacrifice thing to a journalist, metaphorically.  And here's future Arizona governor Kari Lake slapping the shit out of a CNN news reader, metaphorically. That's how it's done, Mr. Trump, with a Norton Bombsight like focus on the target. 

We actually caught a quarter or so of the Giants yesterday. They won. So did the J-E-T-S, Jets, Jets, Jets! And our Delaware girl's Eagles defeated the Cowboys last night. Everybody's happy. Sadly the Washington REDACTED won on Thursday. We hate that team no matter what they call themselves. I hate the Redskins. Oh, yes I do. And Danny Snyder. Go to hell, fuck you. If you ever lived in the DC Metro area, you'd understand. 

A fellow North American gently inquired, given the editorial chaos reigning here; when will World War 1990: The Final Storm and The New American Order be published? These are not easy questions. Not for me. Not for any man. We could probably get TNAO to the editor by 1 December. As for TFS, what shall be shall be. Inshallah [Again?-Ed].

We'll put aside the Georgia chapter for now. We're not even sure it's going in anymore. We'll see.

Let's go all Spock on this problem, yo. At the moment we're unsure of the lead up to the NATO attack on the USSR. If we are unsure of this chapter, then this chapter requires work. Let us then ask the question, why are we unsure? Right now the chapter shows Powell, Wolfowitz, Bush, sitting around talking about plans. Then they send out orders to various aerial units familiar to readers. The Aussie F-111 squadron. The British Tornado guys. Hogg Squadron off of USS Eisenhower. The F-117 guys. Italian Tornado pilots. F-16 drivers from a certain friendly Mediterranean nation that may have expertise with bombing nuclear stuff.   'Uhhh, we're doing what now?' Problem: we've got to get some of these assets into place before those orders go out. 

*Homosexual, died of AIDS.

**Sham wife of the homosexual, Yassir Arafat.

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