Thursday, October 6, 2022

Yom Kippur: The Smoldering Aftermath

Post Yom Kippur, we can't help but think of our late grandfather, who about 2/3rds of the way through the Morning Service would have said, 'Three and half hours, Jesus. Can we get the hell out of here and get some lunch?' The man oft quoted a friend of his who served in the British Army during the war, and later the Haganah in Israel. He opened a Passover Seder with, 'Does anyone believe this crap? Let's eat.' Our grandfather could get through the Seder in an hour and fifteen minutes if he had to. 

Staying on the Hebrew beat. The Times of Israel reports, 'Defense Minister Benny Gantz ordered Israeli troops on alert in the country’s north on Thursday amid setbacks in the effort to reach a maritime border deal with Lebanon. Gantz held a situational assessment with IDF Chief of Staff Aviv Kohavi and other security officials after Israel said it would not accept Lebanon’s proposed amendments to a US-brokered deal.' 

Hezbollah may not be able to lose face. Iran certainly could use a foreign distraction from its domestic troubles. This blog believes the IDF is well positioned to deliver a tremendous, devastating opening blow to Hezbollah, a real right hook. This blog believes the unknown unkowns favor Israel. You know what the Imams say.

Facebook tells us that 7 years ago we were posting about our cardiac catheterization. We had a +1000-triglyceride level and a 95% blockage. Good times. Basically, they slide a steel line up your vein, inflate a balloon in your artery and leave a mesh stent to keep it open. Yes, one can feel it the whole time. Seven years, a handful of meds each night and tonnes of exercise later we're down 600 points and about 25 pounds. That's 1.4 stone for you British reader(s). 

We look good, there's no getting around it. And more than a few of the ladies at our synagogue were stealing a glance. [Oh my god. I'm sorry, folks. What a knobhead -Ed] We've been able to see our appendix scar in the mirror for some time. Our face has really thinned out the last few years, but we still can't shake the feeling that we look like an oberleutnant trying to make a deal with a bunch of freelance American misfits. Go ahead and look up that guy. The resemblance is real. As Crapgame said, 'Maybe he's a Republican?'

We celebrated the cardiac catheterization with a cigar and a bottle of Cavalliere D'Oro while working on The New American Order.

Speaking of....So we've done back-to-back machine days at the gym. Elliptical, rope pully, bike on Tuesday. Running, rower, Stairmaster on Wednesday. It felt good, and we feel good now. We should run both days and find one more exercise to do so we're doing four and four. But what?

What Will's Watching, sports-ball! The New York Mets pulled a Mets and choked out the National League East last week. 'Beat the Mets. Cheat the Mes. Step right up and defeat the Mets.' For foreign reader(s), nothing can ever be easy with this team. Still, the Amazins' won 101 games this year. That's the most wins by a Mets team since 1988 and second most wins ever. The 1986 World Champion Mets won 108 games. The 2022 Mets are certainly the best Mets team since that era. 

Commercial break. For those reader(s) who think we're indulging in 80's nostalgia, here's a Bahamas tourism commercial from 1999 that always stuck with us. We like that guitar at the end of the clip. The Stroocks visited the Bahamas in 2003. Very nice:

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