Saturday, November 19, 2022

Saturday Updates

Good and great workouts this week. Two days on, two days off, two days on. 

We are coming to the conclusion that French is once more a waste of time. 

We have spent all day judging a region wide debate tournament. Nice kids. Presentation isn't a big deal. They make a lot of good points. But they all say just about the same thing. The goal seems to be to blab out as much as they can as quickly as they can. It is 4 PM, and we are waiting to see if we're still needed. Bastards. 

In Israel we see Netanyahu can't rein in the Religious Zionist Party's demands. Defense? Are they serious?  At the moment the Knesset is deadlocked - again. If Bibi can't get a deal done, then he should step aside in favor of a Likud MK who can. We wouldn't mind a coalition government with Bennet and Ganz, wouldn't mind that at all. 

The Things.

We did minor work on World War 1990: The Final Storm.

We are almost finished with The Aftermath of 1976. Our final editor mailed us her copy. December people. 

We spent all week writing The New American Order's future history chapter. We're quite pleased with it.   We have a foreign chapter to finish up, but that's about all. By now it should be obvious that The New American Order will be out before World War 1990: The Final Storm.

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